Getting into KDE, and an annoying Akregator Bug


Over the last couple weeks or so, I have been spinning up accounts over KDE’s various community platforms, including Invent and Discuss, and have been trying to be a useful part of the community.

My first idea, that I thought I could help contribute to, was the lacklustre styling of Akregator, however, when I looked through the commits, I was beaten by 3 days, with person having added it just before. I do believe that their styling is great for Akregator, and am in no way complaining about being beaten to an improvement.

I then pivoted, and it was in this time I contributed to the Transitious project (see my thoughts on it here).

Later, I began to notice a strange bug with Akregator, that it was continually asking, upon startup, to restore the previous session. I eventually looked around the bugzilla instance, and found #445351. In the link you can see my initial attempts to look around for what may be causing it, and I eventually found that the error messaging being echoed when Akregator exits is from the KIO framework.

Now the issue is, where to from here? I don’t feel confident enough to tackle the issue all on my own, and the bug hasn’t gotten any feedback from a developer (as far as I can see). Maybe if it says an issue for more than a month from now, I may have to just get into the weeds and figure it out.

As the bug seems to be more likely to occur on systems running Wayland, a thought I have had is that it might be an issue with freedesktop protocols, and perhaps something like the portal structures are what’s giving it the issue, but at this point I don’t really have a clue what I’m talking about.

Hopefully it gets fixed soon, but otherwise maybe I’ll become a proper KDE developer, and not just the community member I am at this stage.

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